inworld landmark url:

mixcloud dixmix
“Belgian artist, photographer, director, musician and more, i’m here since 12 years
Owner of the “Dixmix Gallery” since 2008
Photographer : see some photos here :”
My Flickr
one interview
“Speaks English but i’m french speaking guy (oui je parle français)
55+ yo…Living in Belgium
In this SL, we never die, we crash
♥Don’t forget, there is a life after SL it’s RL ♥”
● Thoughts on DixMix Gallery of Maloe Vansant
Dix and I go a long way back here in SL, we have a mutual love for art and mutual respect for each other.
I had the honor to expose my images in his first Gallery in SL and now I have the honor to expose them in his virgin new gallery,
Wow, and what a gallery he and Megan made, jaw-droppingly gorgeous, and this I will do in the company of two great women and artist, Cecilia and Edie, it will be girl power.
What to tell about my images ….
I let the visitor make his own story about them, for me, they thrive on my emotions and feelings of that moment.
Thank you, Dix, for years of support and friendship.
● Thoughts on DixMix Gallery of Edie Horngold
Three seasons ago, I presented my first exhibit at DixMix Gallery. Before this, I never had a show of my work.
Based on a photo he had seen, Dix was inspired to take a chance on me, an unknown, and invited me to exhibit at the gallery.
In honesty, we took a chance on each other. Dix made it “safe’ for me to try something I had never done before.
He took my fears, uncertainties, and an absolute lack of confidence and nudged me with respect and patience.
Never once did I feel embarrassed to show an idea in progress to get his opinion on. That’s huge because whether we say so or not, this process feels very personal and creates vulnerability.
And that’s when I named him Daddy Dix (insert a laugh here). I felt like that kid running home from school, with a picture in hand, saying, “Look what I made today.”
All kidding aside, here we are three seasons later, and still at it. I know I could not have done this if it wasn’t for working with him.
Congrats on the new gallery!
● Thoughts on DixMix Gallery of Cecilia Nansen
It is with great honor, I present my 3rd exhibit in the Dixmix Gallery.
I am equally proud, to be allowed alongside two great women, to open this fine new building.
This time my pictures come from a very private part of me.
I think they speak more or less for themselves, without further explanation.
Thank you, Dix and Megan, for all this!
EVENTS see also in the comment section;)
TP Point click here
>> thanks Dix for the permission to spread this out in my blog and facebook;)<<
Supported by K’s World of Music

now also available inworld! All Music Lovers, active or passive, can join my Group for free! DJ’s and Club Owners please contact me directly to get the right Group Tag as K’s supported DJ, or and Club Owner.
SL Group key: secondlife:///app/group/00b0bc50-66f1-c46a-1b41-7fdbe21e864b/about
also available on following platforms:

Special pleasure for me to share this event with you, as Dixmix is one of the Galleries which combines the art of music with the art for eyes. Additionally one of the DJ’s out of my DJ Fingerprints will guide through this event. Please support them besides having a wonderful time there;) Click the post for more informations;) Happy Saturday K;)
up in the sky, Booka B will play his best tunes for us on Saturday from 1 pm slt
● Charly Keeley Keating “Autumn’s Glow”
● Mareea Farrasco “Decor & Nature morte”
● Moon Edenbaum “Craving”
● in the Womb Silence the amazing 3D installation of Theda (adjust your graphic settings written on the floor and walk though the door)