░░▒▓█████████▓▒░░United Artists of SL░░▒▓█████████▓▒░░

UASL has a large presence on the internet and all are available resources for artists to use:
UASL Website
UASL Main Landing Point
Discord: IM Riannah for current link as they do expire
UASL flickr groups
We also manage a collaborative SL Art Calendar via Google:
░░▒▓█████████▓▒░░United Artists of SL░░▒▓█████████▓▒░░
UASL Secondlife Inworld Group Key:
Web: https://unitedartistsofsl.com/
Management Team
Riannah Baron (riannah.avora) fb ḈħξĻỢ Baron (redbaron666) RainCat Furstinna of North (vihmakass)
Last Updated: January 2021
What Is UASL?:
UASL (United Artists of SL)
UASL is designed to be relaxed group of artists in SL that share their art and communicate regarding various art events and opportunities open to the artist community. We encourage artists to use their imagination and to develop their skills in a manner that is a positive influence to all of the art community. We provide a full region of exhibiting and performance opportunities for art of many types and genres. We promote artists and their work to the best of our abilities. We always strive to bring awareness to the arts in Second Life.
Second Life has a vast number of different types of art and artists. What “art” actually is different for each person. For that reason, UASL can not fully support all of the infinite art form possibilities at this time. While we respect all forms of art, there are other groups that are just more appropriate for other types of art. Our focus is on original content creation and performance.
Our focus is as follows:
UASL supports art that is at least 50% original work by the artist. The entire art form is considered; Objects, textures, scripts, media (audio and video) and anything that makes up the art must be at least 50% of original work completed by the artist. Artists work very hard and long hours to achieve this goal and that is to be respected.
Includes work:
This would include works with various mediums such as 2D (photos, textures), 3D objects, and audio/video that is composed and produced by the artist. Work can be created in real life and imported into SL or originally created in SL. Events that serve to promote art as stated.
This does not include work:
Purchased objects, textures, or scripts. Streamed audio/video originally created/recorded by another artist. Club or other non gallery related venue oriented event.
Content on UASL land must meet the requirements for SL’s Moderate region standards.
Anyone is welcome to join us. Looking at other people’s art can give a person great inspiration and encourage learning. Most members of our group do not mind helping others. But any member should already know the basics of creating in SL. We are not a “beginner’s” group, but we can point you in the right direction to learn the basics.
We strive to provide a calm and respectful environment for artists to exhibit and perform in the manner they intend. We do not discriminate, but in order to insure a peaceful and unhindered art exhibit or performance for our artists, disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated in any form by any person or any artist. We will always do what is best for the majority of the group.
You must be a member of the UASL group to participate in any of the exhibits and rez anything anywhere on UASL land. Join here:
Current Areas at UASL
>> more Info available at the Main TP Point
Read BEFORE exhibiting: NC available directly at the location or contact Riannah
for TP click the names of the Locations mentioned below!
From here, all of the ground areas may be accessed. Access to other areas is via the teleport system.
SANDBOX: (located at the main landing)
On one side of the the Landing you will see the sandbox (sandy). Each Friday the sandboxes are cleaned. Please be sure to read the rules for the sandbox: Alternately, we have the Building Platform: same rules apply as with the Sandbox.
PERFORMANCE: (IM Riannah for approval)
The performance area consists of 120x120x120 meter areas specifically for performance art. This area is reserved and is by prior approval only. Artists are given space and prim/land imact limitations to use for their performance: Generally, the entire 128 square meter area and a prim limit of 1000 for up to 3 months, but it can vary depending upon need and resources available. Most, but not all, performances at UASL take place in this area. There is no charge to the artist.
2D FREE TO ENTER EXHIBITS: further details at the TP Point
Rules and guidelines for exhibiting are located at the exhibit; look for the sign with the GREEN print. This area is for exhibiting 2D art only. Which consists of photos and other texture graphics created by artists. Sales are now being allowed in this area with no rental fees, but there are rules and limitations. We encourage artists to honorably donate a portion of their sales income to UASL.
Any person wishing to provide instruction is very welcome to do so and may use that area.
The Gardens are an open format exhibit/sales area. It provides a nature oriented environment that is designed for a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Rental in the Gardens includes a plot in The Palace at no additional cost. This area is always open to the public. We have monthly events in this area to help bring attention to the area.
The Palace is an open format exhibit/sales area. It provides an elegant environment that is designed for a peaceful and calm atmosphere. This area is always open to the public. We have monthly events in this area to help bring attention to the area.
UASL FREE TO ENTER EXHIBIT AREAS: (actual locations and names may vary see the tp board for current locations)
Small Exhibits: (Names change as well)
Specific rules for exhibiting in the areas are located at the exhibit in the sign with the GREEN print. Exhibit plots are approximately 50 square meter areas (some may be smaller) that allow artists to exhibit 2D or 3D work. (2D work in these areas must NOT include more purchased items than original art. if you can not provide at least 50% original work, including objects and scripts, please use the 2D Exhibit area). The areas alternate. Generally, one is being built while the other is publicly exhibiting. A new one begins around the 1st of each month. The areas are generally claimed very quickly, please be sure to check around the first of each month. Sales are not allowed in these areas. How to enter:
Mega (large) Exhibits (120x120x120 via approval only):
RECREATIONAL AREAS: Paint Ball and the Track are recreational areas that we provide.
UASL has a dedicated audio stream in which we do feature all original music composed by artists in SL. The stream may be accessed with this link and is available for anyone to use on their Land:
We do not provide for the use or promotion of club related or DJ activities. However, standard DJ sets may be used in our events and promoted with the event.
There are a lot of opportunities in different areas of UASL. UASL markets all of the exhibits inworld and around the internet.
We also provide a variety of opportunities in the group for those wishing to help the group progress. If you would like to assist UASL in a certain area, please be sure to let us know.
Upcoming Events will be mentioned here or in the Comment Section below
– stay tuned;)
see also the Comment / Reply section below for more Info and Events;)
Supported by K’s World of Music

now also available inworld! All Music Lovers, active or passive, can join my Group for free! DJ’s and Club Owners please contact me directly to get the right Group Tag as K’s supported DJ, or and Club Owner.
SL Group key: secondlife:///app/group/00b0bc50-66f1-c46a-1b41-7fdbe21e864b/about
also available on following platforms:

As you all know, I am a lover of creativity and art and many of the art loving community appreciates the music part as art as well. I always look up if this both comes together and it comes out as a symbiotic result. Please feel free to contact Riannah if you love one or the other way of soul expression and find out what this great place offers for us. Please have a special eye on the todays event starting by 1pm. More you will find on the UASL fb group link here:
Enlarger your mind and interest and fill it with the wonderful world of art. Hugs K;)