inworld landmark url: TP Point – click here
more about Deep Box
more about the Saturday Manager
Sᴄɑღρຣ (ily.roogus)
Another Deep Box rooted Event will be managed by Scamps the Saturday Boss for the Pool and Beach related Parties;)
Please join us at the “VIBES” sim, which gives you an idea what gonna happen there;) A must for all Music Lover of the upper Level;)
Music unites…lets enjoy together the…..Streams;)♥
Hugs K;)
Music provided by:
more about Joe Floki
inworld name: J Ø Ξ F Ŀ Ω Ҡ I Ω (joefloki)
more about Shotgun you find here:
more about CARL
inworld name: ŦℜЄИℭĦЇЄ (carl.blaukempt)
more about Manuel