Tear of Wine Club
Main Location TP Point (rev251021)
TOW flickr group
TOW fb group
TOW Secondlife inworld group key:
Anita Babii

Owner and DJ: ABI MissAbism
ABI on Mixcloud
Samanta has been practicing the DJ function since 2008, the main feature of the sets are the great versatility and genre variation during a musical session ….. the main trend of the genre is electronics but you may find yourself on an experimental electronic music track while playing Maria Callas …. free spirit and open mind to all types of music …. Samanta lives music and lives it without limits!
Magical and special music club.
Music club for people who want to listen and be heard. Freedom is total but respect is important. Welcome to our Hangar (The Urban Club and the Futura Lounge).
I can’t find an answer. I have decided to change my questions.
Tow is dedicated to those people who are looking for a moment of diversion in the company of music and people without prejudice. Creativity and passion for the moment we live when we turn on a computer and write a word to someone …. have a good time with us !!

More Impressions of the Clubs here
Something happen… Stay tuned…

More about the already listed and participating DJ’s you will find below, or use the Search Button on the main Blog Page
Thanks Abi and Eva for the permission to spread this out in my Blog and fb;)
Supported by K’s World of Music

now also available inworld! All Music Lovers, active or passive, can join my Group for free! DJ’s and Club Owners please contact me directly to get the right Group Tag as K’s supported DJ, or and Club Owner.
SL Group key: secondlife:///app/group/00b0bc50-66f1-c46a-1b41-7fdbe21e864b/about
also available on following platforms:

WB TOW;) Miss Abism was reorganizing her Club and moved to another Location as well. After resetting some basics she is now ready for new and Music filled Events;) A great opportunity to see the changes live at the new Location and Club is the todays event;) Happy Halloween all! Hope you will find your place to be having a scary and out of body halloweenish experience;) Click the Post for more Details. Hugs K;)
Summer 2021 will be hot. To start, the ToW offers a musical meeting in its beach.
“By the Sea”
stay tuned;) Hugs K;)
It is important for us to be guests of this blog. The ToW is something more than a club, I would say a “musical location” that offers various situations. We are constantly evolving this concept that has in the musical part, coordinated by Abi, the main pillar.
This in the upcoming summer 2021
Eva Auermann
I want to introduce you another club i was checking lately. I was impressed about the atmosphere of the Futura Lounge of the Tear of Wine Club. You will get an impression by watching the youtube clip in my below post;) DJ Abi and her stuff offering an acoustically trip for us tonight. Some well known DJ’s will participate and spoil us with their hand selected tracks. If you like to join “K’s world of music” tonight then it would be a pleasure for me to meet you there;) Find the Details, lm….spinning DJ’s and many more by clicking the Post. Happy weekend guys;) K;)