our new adventure called
B O U L D E R.
parties every Friday beginning at 9am slt.
inworld landmark url:
TP Point – City Terrace
Owner: Vally Prodigy (valium.lavender)
| soul seeker | dreamweaver | love keeper |
Vally’s Blog
Twitter: @LavenderVally
Discord: #2641
[email protected]
Seconlife inworld group key:
Membership allows for rezzing and group gifts for sims owned by Valium Lavender. BOULDER region now OPEN Thank you.
Photogenic region. Moderate.

Boulder is a natural coastal and photogenic region. It is also a [valium] Group sim.
Boulder is inspired by the real life Boulders Beach near Simon’s Town and Cape Town, South Africa, where endangered African Penguins nest in their coastal habitat. Did you know that these endangered penguins mate for life? There are only 20,850 breeding pairs left in the entire world, thus they are on the endangered list.
There is a small town with a party area behind it, one on the city terrace, and one being built in the sky. We also have an art gallery (Simon’s Town Art Gallery) and will host exhibits on occasion. You will see many things of interest while you take in the peaceful, relaxed and natural coastal atmosphere.
All are welcome and a group membership is only required if you need to rezz items for photography.
During your visit you will see indigenous sea birds common to Boulders Beach, as well as the African Penguins, made exclusively for us by Terry Fotherington, who also designed and built the region for us.
Enjoy your walk-around…and please consider posting any photos in our Flickr Group Pool.
Where your Group Join Fees are Applied:
We give portions, if not all, of our group join fees to African Penguin protection NPOs. The first donation has been made on July 29 to the ‘Dyer Island Conservation Trust’ of approximately 15,000 lindens for their program to increase the African Penguin population. The second donation was made on August 3rd to the ‘Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds’ in the amount of L$10,000 lindens in order to adopt an injured penguin that is undergoing rehabilitation.
“It is practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry” – Joe Moore
S P O N S O R S of our region.
Ana Poses
They make our wonderful group gifts possible. Please send them your support.
featured by K’s World of Music
K’s World of Music Secondlife inworld group key:

Thanks Vally for the permission to spread this out in my Blog and Facebook
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